I first visited St. Albert’s in 2000 as part of a Fulbright grant. My respect and admiration for the doctors and staff there lead to the founding of BHA in 2009, thanks to a $30,000 gift for the hospital that had two stipulations: the donor had to remain anonymous and the gift had to be tax deductible. That gift became the seed grant for BHA, which was founded with invaluable assistance from a small group of friends who became the founding board. Now, 10 years later, BHA has achieved a considerable record of accomplishment.
We owe those accomplishments to the many contributors who believed in and supported our efforts to help St. Albert’s Mission Hospital. Many of them donated dollars; others donated time and expertise. We would not be here without them.
I will leave you with a few photographs that for me
represent the challenges faced by St. Albert’s and the people who come for care,
and the hope offered by donations to BHA.